'Optimise your health through your diet'

Certain foods will enhance your overall wellbeing and make you feel good whilst others may be detrimental leading to common health complaints such as low energy weight gain, skin problems and problems with digestion or stress.

I can provide you with a healthy eating and lifestyle plan to maximise your health.  I concentrate on 3 main areas:

 – Food Sensitivity Testing and Consultation 
to help alleviate feelings of bloating, stomach pain, low energy, constipation and loose bowels.

 – Managing Blood Sugar Level
based around strategies to help maintain your blood sugar level,  stress level and energy levels through the day

 – Skin Optimisation
to help deal with skin problems such as acne and rosacea from both the inside and outside.

A Nutrition Consultation Programme will give you all the information and guidelines you need to set you on the path to optimal health.

Give me a call on 0781 698 1858 or email alyson@nut4life.com for more information or to make a booking.

You can also register and book an appointment online at the Naturality Wellness Centre in Berkhamsted

BA Hons, Dip Nut
Registered Nutritionist MBANT
Registered Nutritional Therapist CNHC 
at Nutrition 4 Life
Alyson Carter

BA Hons, Dip Nut
Registered Nutritionist MBANT
Registered Nutritional Therapist CNHC 

at Nutrition 4 Life

Book a Free Discovery Call

This is a call to see if a Nutrition Consultation and or Food Sensitivity Test can help you. (Please note that I cannot offer actual advice on this call.)

Call 0781 698 1858 or email alyson@nut4life.com

Food Allergy, Food Intolerance, Food Sensitivity - What is the difference?

Essentially, these terms all relate to an adverse physiological response to a particular food; however the mechanisms by which this occurs are very specific to the individual type of food sensitivity in question.

IgE reaction is a food allergy and is immediate and could be life threatening. You must contact your GP if you think you may have a food allergy.

IgG reaction takes longer to develop and can lead to a lot of digestive discomfort but is not life threatening. We can test for this reaction in clinic.

Food sensitivity is usually due to an enzyme deficiency which can lead to a lot of digestive discomfort. This can usually accurately be assessed in clinic by reviewing food diaries and symptoms.

Optimise your health

Weight Loss

Try this for sustainable weight loss…


Avoid Sugar to optimise your health …


Why you shouldn’t skip breakfast…

Gut Microbiome

How to reset it …

What My Clients Say...